You recently reached for information at the Tourist Office of the region Molsheim-Mutzig. today, we need your help to improve our welcome.

                                                Only 2 minutes of your time! 

#1 Would you recommend the Tourist Office of Region Molsheim-Mutzig ?  

Give a score of 1 to 5 (5 stands for the best note)

#2 You reached us by:  

Select the way of contact in the following list

#3 If per social network, tell us

#4 The waiting time was :  

Give a score of 1 to 5 (5 stands for a very long time)

#5 Accuracy of answer given:  

#6 If you were very dissatisfied,

#7 Friendliness of the Tourist advisor on the phone:  


Thank you for your help and see you soon in the region of Molsheim-Mutzig


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We received your responses. Our best wishes, the Tourist Office.

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